"u want all my love and my devotion...u want my love and soul...right on the line....."
dua tiga arini odah asyik humming lagu One Night Only from the musical Dreamgirls...this is the film version helmed by Bill Condon not the broadway version....the film featured the amazingly Beyonce,oscar award winner-Jennifer Hudson and others well frankly i dun give a damn..hahahah.. :) semalam tepat pada pukul 5.30pm telefon nokia murah odah berbunyi...ringtone kalau nak taw lagu soundtrack Enchanted tajuk Thats How You Know sang by the perfect pitch Amy Adams..!! HADER??odah pon angkatla tepon tu....suara dihujung talian berbunyi....
"helloo??hellooo??i cant hear u b..hello??"
patutlerr..nama nokia murah speaker rosak...hahhaahah..!!! sedih tak?? sedih tak?!! lantas short message system ku berbunyi lagu dari Enchanted tajuk Happy Working Song also by Amy Adams....U HAVE??!
masa dapat sms tu.....nak melompat odah..!! tanjat boboy..!!! sms tersebowt berbunyi....
"u nak pergi tak tengok Broadway Dreamgirls??i ade tiket lebih..nanti i amek u..siap cepat ok??"
dengan gopoh gapah odah bersiap...gosok baju...pakai ala2 waiter kat coffee house yang bertaraf 5bintang diapet oleh Louis Vuitton Speedy Damier Canvas ku....yang slek kasut..!! kaki gajah manala ade kasut..!! hahaha..last2 pi pinjam kasut ayah kawan...sempit giler but its ok,..beauty is pain.....U HAVE??
Sesampainya di IB odah still terbayang2kan kehebatan Beyonce,Jennifer Hudson ngan Jamie Foxx...dalam hati "ok..stop it....this is malaysian act..just be proud and enjoy the show odah.." i'll have to admit that agak ralat sebab niat malamtu nak sangat tgk Dina bwk watak Effie White tapi Dina dh perform petang tu so malamtu giliran Elvira Arul..i've seen Elvira Arul performs One Night Only and quiet disappointed actually coz she dont delivered it at her best...she play safe......but boy oh boy i was WRONG..!!!! *jenggg...jengg..jenggg..!!
show dimulakan ngan ape yang kita lihat dari film and dia akan berubah dari sudut pandangan tepi pentas..tengah pentas..and belakang pentas...masa ni odah cam wow...this is promising...hello...odah baru pestyme kowt masuk IB give me a break.... :p
Cheryl Samad as Deena Jones sangatlah berkesan....her acting skills xperlu nak disangkal...masatu i was like Beyonce who??but i have to admit...her voice is not that superb...but she obviously can sing ok...and when it came to the higher note she use her falsetto quiet often...clever indeed..!! but still ade out of tune bak kata teman istimewa odah yang juga pelajar music di uitm....but who cares??its Musical...nobody's perfect and sing out of tune is better than singing perasan cantek..!! paham..??
Azura on the other hand as Lorell Robinson is simply the icing of the cake..!! rasa xlengkap kalau dia xde dalam scene....sbbnya dialah yang paling 'hidup' skali ngan body language naive girl who wants to be a women..*nigga slang....dia sangat sangatlah bagus dlm watak Lorell tu..kalau nak taw dlm film watak Lorell tu ade tak de jer..so good job Azura..!! and opkoz...when it cme to singing...theres some part yang buat odah rasa nak kasi standing ovation kat Azura..sbb xsangka dia bole lontarkan suara dia senyaring tu..kadang2 a bit shouting skit but im lovin it...theres one part when Azura yell to the high notes...the audience went crazy..!! thats enough for you to give her a pat on her back...odah excited giler ok??!!
Elvira Arul.....hurmm...one word.....FANTASTIC..!!! she is soo into her character and she's so talented and ape lagi odah nak tulis...she's simply the main course..!!!! she is sooo nigga..!! she's soooo Jennifer Hudson but mild version la....nevertheless she's the one yang patut mintak bayaran paling tinggi dalam merealisasikan watak Effie White..!!! sape jew kat malaysia ni boleh buat camtu beside Dina ?? to name a few pon payah...!! malamtu owh rasa sangat berdosa sebab mengata dia bebukan dalam keta based on her lousy performance kat TV1 for One Night Only...saat dia melantunkan lagu And i Am Telling You Im Not Going im a bit disappointed coz she dont let it all out...the song is design to scream and yelling la sayang...but boy she just did a perfect Jennifer Hudson sound in a mild version...fantastic..kalux xkanla semua audience melompat2!! with her nigga slang my God she's damn fantastic..!!! saat intro One Night Only yang dimulakan dengan alunan music Oboe (which kawan baek kepada teman istimewa odah yang mainkan mlmtu..kelass tak??)...semua menjerit giler2..!! the most haunted songs ever on Dreamgirls....ohhhhhhh..!!!!!! sangatlah soulful..!! Elvira got a soul baby..!! she's got a soul..!!! seriously that song was meant for her to sing...simply a delicacy to my ears... :)
and my eye candy..the luscious Dafi...owh my owh my..!! im sooo turned on by him that night..!! he's improved sooooooooo sooooooooo much ok??!! his voice...my God....Dafi can sing malaysia..!! hell yes he does..!!! odah tak pernah dengar dia nyanyi sehebat tu ok...sangat sangat membeRANGSANGkan..!! kalau camnila dari dulu sah sah la kau menang AF dulu....adehh!! kalau tak caya pegi tgk and lihat sendiri kehebatan Dafi as C.C White brother to Effie White..i cant take my eyes of him when he sang and dance..its like im watching a hot choc fudge cake being made..!! yummm....yumm...!!!! miahahahahahaah...!!!!!! truthfully im a bit skeptical bout his role in Dreamgirls...but hey.,he's good so deal with it malaysia...
kudos to Joanna Bessy....pengarah teater Dreamgirls ni....xsangka u boleh buat pementasan yang semegah ni...and the props may not be Wicked standard but it is enough for me to say that IM PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN...masa letupan bunga api tu tanjat boboii..!!!! heheheeh....gudjob sis Joanna....hugggssss!!!! :)
about the other cast simply put beli paper baca sendiri ape yang reporter komen or beli tiket and watch for yourself...sebab i think yang deserve my standing ovation..(which odah mmg buat 1st ngan my date mlmtu masa final bow tu...) is the main girls and Dafi ....for Tony Eusoff...Indi Nadarajah and American Broadway talent Kris Coleman..(Kris got a soul...Kris got a soul..!!!) they all good....sila lihat and nilaikan sendiri sebab bagi odah this is a proud moment for Malaysian scene...come on la sayang...by malaysian production...and the musician pon anak anak tempatan yang mainkan..one of them is anak lelaki komposer terkenal malaysia S.Atan..tak ke bangga??anak2 melayu...anak2 malaysia sendiri yang bertungkus lumus nak mempersembahkan sebuah hiburan bertaraf antarabangsa to we all malaysian..at least come and support..xpayahla nak skeptical sangat..buang mentalitili MELAYU tu jauh2..im proud of it.....eventho adela here and there yang tak perfect but its a real entertainment...it is the malaysian Haagen Daaz for all ice cream lovers out there.. u might find some flavours that cme to ur dislike..but when u indulge in it..u cant stop but wondering..."this is really good.." :)
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the main cast from left Kris Coleman,Cheryl Samad,Elvira Arul,Azura Zainal and Dina....credit to mangga Online for this pic.. :) |
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the full cast and the director...credit to Mangga Online for this pic... :) |
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the official poster |
on my way back home...the only thing that kept hunting me is this lyric........
"we are dreamgirls...boy....we'll make u happy....yeah...yeah....."
and yes... im hooked to that song....beside all the flaws....just remember...this is not a Beyonce or Jennifer Hudson performance but believe me when i tell you that you are so gonna regret it if u dont come and watch the motown magic made by malaysian for malaysian by yourself.... one cant help but wonder....if Dreamgirls are already here next year will it be Wicked..?? or Chicago perhaps..??..well cant blame a girl for wondering..... :)